Updating AlchemyCMS

This guide describes how to update AlchemyCMS to a new version.

Updating Alchemy is mostly three steps.

  1. Update the gem
  2. Run the upgrade task
  3. Follow ups

Update the gem

If you use Alchemy from a git branch, point it to the next stable release.

-gem 'alchemy_cms', github: 'AlchemyCMS/alchemy_cms', branch: '5.2-stable'
+gem 'alchemy_cms', github: 'AlchemyCMS/alchemy_cms', branch: '5.3-stable'

If you use Alchemy from rubygems, point it to the next stable release.

-gem 'alchemy_cms', '~> 5.2'
+gem 'alchemy_cms', '~> 5.3'

If you are using alchemy-devise for authentication, then update the gem as well. The major and minor versions of the alchemy_cms and the alchemy-devise gems match.

-gem 'alchemy_cms', '~> 5.2'
+gem 'alchemy_cms', '~> 5.3'
-gem 'alchemy-devise', '~> 5.2'
+gem 'alchemy-devise', '~> 5.3'

Now update via bundler

bundle update alchemy_cms alchemy-devise

Run the upgrade task

Now you can run the upgrade task. While upgrading, you will get informations about the process on your screen.

bin/rake alchemy:upgrade

and follow the on screen instructions.

Update the default config

If new configuration options have been introduced you see them in the config/alchemy/config.yml.defaults file. Simply copy them over and have a look at the git diff. Keep your changes remove or add new keys as necessary.

If you have also alchemy-devise installed you need to .

bin/rails g alchemy_devise:install

Run single upgrade tasks

Upgrade tasks can also be run on its own. For example to run only the alchemy:upgrade:config task:

bin/rake alchemy:upgrade:config

A list of all upgrade tasks can be listed with

bin/rake -T alchemy:upgrade

Follow ups

Most of the time the upgrader does all the work for you. But sometimes the upgrade needs some manual work. This will be noted as TODOs at the end of the upgrade task.

Please follow them carefully.

Major version upgrades

Major version upgrades follow the same upgrade process as minor versions, but they will have breaking changes.

Major versions remove deprecated features and old upgrade tasks. Please make sure you addressed all deprecations and run all upgrades in the current version before upgrading to the next major version.


Please always verify the upgrade by looking through the git diff and by running your test suite for customization you made. Also the CHANGELOGopen in new window is a good place to look for changes.