

Ingredients store the actual content of your site. They are stored as instances of Alchemy::Ingredient subclasses on each Alchemy::Element instance.

Alchemy uses Rails Single Table Inheritanceopen in new window to store the values in the same table.

Alchemy comes with a lot of predefined ingredients for the regular needs of a website project. Combine them like a chemestry kit into elements.

Ingredients are Rails models. It is pretty easy to add your own ingredient class as well.


Ingredients are defined as ingredients on an element definition.

Global ingredient settings

When defining ingredients, you need to provide a role and type. You can set hints and default values as well.

# config/alchemy/elements.yml
- name: article
    - role: headline
      type: Headline
      hint: This is the headline
    - role: color
      type: Text
        input_type: color
    - role: copy
      type: Richtext
      default: Lorem ipsum dolor
      as_element_title: true
  • role String required

    A lowercased unique (per element) role of the ingredient. Separate words needs to be underscored.

  • type String required

    An type this ingredient is of. Alchemy has lots of built in ingredients for simple text, rich text, images, booleans and more.

  • hint String|Symbol|Boolean

    A hint for the user in the admin frontend that describes what the ingredient is used for. The hint is translatable if you provide an I18n translation Symbol instead of a String. You may also set it to true to default to the I18n key alchemy.ingredients_hints.your_ingredient_role.

  • default String

    The default text to prefill newly created elements. You may also use a symbol to set it to the I18n key alchemy.default_ingredients_texts.your_ingredient_role

  • as_element_title Boolean

    For the displayed element title, the first ingredient is used. Use this setting to override this behaviour and show other ingredient as element title.

  • settings Hash

    A set of options to configure the ingredient. Each ingredient has its own set of options listed below.

Individual ingredient settings

Each ingredient type can have its own type of settings.

To configure these settings you have to pass them into its settings key in the elements.yml.

- name: my_element
    - role: headline
      type: Text
        linkable: true



Stores plain text of 255 chars max.

Use this for a headline, or a product name. The editor is renderd as a single lined input field. The view output will be sanitized and HTML escaped.


  • linkable Boolean

    If set to true, the user can add a link to the text.

  • input_type String

    Change the input typeopen in new window of the form field displayed in the editor.


- name: button
  type: Text
    linkable: true


Stores headline text of 255 chars max.

Use this for HTML headings. The editor is renderd as a single lined input field with level and optional size selects. The view output will be a heading element.


  • anchor Boolean or the String from_value

    If set to true, the user can add a custom anchor to the headline. If set to from_value the anchor will be created from the value. The anchor will be added as id to the heading tag.

  • levels Array of Integers

    Set the available heading levelsopen in new window that the editor can choose from. By default it is 1 to 6.

  • sizes Array of Integers

    Optionally add a listy of sizes that the editor can choose a heading css size. Added as class (.h2) to the heading element. Use this of


- name: headline
  type: Headline
    levels: [2, 3]
    sizes: [1, 2]


Used to store paragraphs of formatted text.

The editor is rendered as a textarea with embedded Tinymce Editor.


You can customize the Tinymce editor of a single element instance.

  • tinymce Hash


- name: text
  type: Richtext
        - title: 'Subheadline'
          block: 'h3'


See the Tinymce customization guide for all available options


Store references to pictures the editor assigns from the library.

The editor partial is rendered as a picture editor with a lot of options (i.e. image cropper).

The view partial renders the assigned picture, resizes it and crops it if needed.


See the rendering images guide for further information on the powerful image rendering engine of Alchemy.


  • size String

    The size the image should be downsized to. I.e. 400x300

  • crop Boolean (default: false)

    Crop the image to given size. This also enables the build in cropper tool.

  • srcset Array<String>

    A list of sizes of this image uses as sources list. Best used with the sizes setting for implementing responsive images.

  • sizes Array<String>

    A list of screen sizes the image sources should be used for. Best used with the srcset setting for implementing responsive images.

  • linkable Boolean

    If set to false, the user cannot add a link to the picture.


Use this to store a DateTime value. Renders a datepicker in the editor partial.

The view output is passed through Rails' I18n Library, so it is fully localizable.



Useful to store HTML code (i.e. a embed, or tracking code).


The view renders the raw, not sanitized or escaped output. So be careful!


Stores a Boolean value in the database. Renders a checkbox in the editor partial.


Renders a select box in the editor partial and stores the value as String.

Useful for letting your user select from a limited set of choices.



- name: width
  type: Select
    select_values: ['200', '300', '400']


If you need dynamic values (ie, a from a product catalogue), please create a custom ingredient class that provides the values.

Stores a url in the database. Useful for linking things, where the editor should not set the linked text itself.


If you want the linked text to be editable by the editor use the Text with linkable: true option instead.


References an Alchemy::Page.

Renders a select box in the editor partial.

Useful for contact form follow up pages or other use cases where you want to reference another page.


- name: contact_form
    - role: follow_up_page
      type: Page

Rendering ingredients within your element

Similar to rendering elements within layouts, ingredients are rendered on an element.

Page layouts use the <%= render_elements %> helper to load an elements partial, elements use the <%= element_view_for %> helper to expose a block that makes it easy to access the ingredients (instances of Alchemy::Ingredient subclasses) of the element.

For example. With an article element like this:

# config/alchemy/elements.yml
- name: article
    - role: headline
      type: Text
    - role: color
      type: Text
        input_type: color
    - role: copy
      type: Richtext

The _article.html.erb template generated by rails alchemy:elements --skip would look like this:

<%- cache(article) do -%>
  <%= element_view_for(article) do |el| -%>
    <div class="headline">
      <%= el.render :headline %>
    <div class="color">
      <%= el.render :color %>
    <div class="copy">
      <%= el.render :copy %>
  <%- end -%>
<%- end -%>

Note how element_view_for allows you to call el.render on ingredients within the block.


element_view_for wraps the block in a <div> with a set ID and class by default, but this is customizeableopen in new window if you pass in arguments:

<%= element_view_for(article, tag: :span, id: 'custom_id', class: 'custom_class') do |el| -%>

Without using the element_view_for helper, you can still access ingredients:


But the el.render helper takes care of generating the appropriate DOM elements to display the ingredient based on its type. It is recommended you rely on these helpers unless you are comfortable with the structure of the ingredient model you are trying to render.

Just like element_view_for, you can pass options and html_options to el.render:

<%= el.render :headline, options = {}, html_options = {} %>

You can check out the ElementViewHelper#render helperopen in new window for details.


Options are not universally applied by all element types. For example, ElementRichText ignores html_options since it's already in HTML format and isn't wrapped in any special div. And you can't prevent the ElementPicture from generating an <img> tag.


The options = {} hash is used for formatting the child elements' tags. You can pass false to not include tags inside the wrapper element. For more, see the source code hereopen in new window and hereopen in new window


The html_option = {} are:

  • :tag - The HTML tag to be used for the wrapping element
  • :id - The wrapper tag's DOM ID.
  • :class - The wrapper tag's DOM class.